Sabtu, 09 Maret 2019

Benefits of BolttCoin

By the years of growth, more and more people are driven by unhealthy lifestyles, where the most consumed types of food are fast food with many bad things in it. Today more and more people spend less time outside their homes because it's very easy to order everything by telephone. This makes humans under threat of imminent, healthy tissue. People spend less time out means that they will spend less time moving their own bodies, and that is fatal because it is a very simple exercise that humans can do. If humans fail, we are indeed in a very serious threat.

Bolttcoin is a unique platform that will make your practice valued. This is actually a good source of motivation for exercise. What we understand is human needs as a good source of motivation for sports, such as threats to health problems, friend encouragement, and even financial rewards. Bolttcoin will motivate people to do a healthy business by giving them cryptocurrency, a bolt token. Like other tokens in cryptocurrency, these tokens can obviously be traded with real money. in other words, do some challenges and simple exercises or exercises valued by money in the bolt ecosystem.

BolttCoin utilizes blockchain innovations for transfer capacity. The client can obtain tokens from the end of the medical problem that is set and bet on information. Also, owners will use tokens to pay for exchanges, goods and administration in decentralized biological systems.

Benefits of BolttCoin
Get Rewards
As we stated earlier, doing some exercises for most people is difficult without the right motivation, and therefore Bolttcoin is here to fill the motivational gap for everyone.

Professional Team
Bolttcoin is supported by technology experts and health and lifestyle experts. You can consult or ask any questions related to their expertise.

Stable Ecosystem
There are many features included in Bolttcoin, for example, the double blockchain, the market is decentralized and protected by the latest encryption technology.

Crowdsale Details


Pre-ICO Start Date: 2018-05-20

Pre-ICO End Date: 2018-07-20

Pre-ICO Hard Cap: 9,000 ETH

Pre-ICO Price (BOLTT): 0.00025ETH

Max Coin Supply: 36Million BOLTT

* All tokens that are not sold during pre-ICO and ICO rounds

will be burned automatically.


ICO Start Date: 2018-08-01

ICO End Date: 2018-08-31

ICO Soft Cap: 5000 ETH

ICO Hard Cap: 16,000 ETH

Price (BOLTT): 0.00025

Max Supply Token: 64 Million BOLTT

The ICO will continue until the hard cap or ICO end date is reached. Boltt tokens will be transferred as soon as their contribution is confirmed

Providing Global Health Motivation

Solving Global Problems
Global levels of physical activity range from 30% to as high as 70% & more than 5.3 million deaths will be avoided every year if everyone is not actively executed!

Bulk applications & large requests
This solution serves several use cases such as business, retailer, insurance, health & fitness services, etc. This is a unique platform that has become viral among the community.

Dollar Futures Market Big Trillion USD
The market that can be addressed is the overlap between Health, Retail, Commerce, Payments & Cellular Loyalty.

A very experienced team & Strong Partners
The Boltt team consists of industry and business veterans. The advisory board consists of well-known experts on the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency.

To be able to find more information about Bolttoin visit the link below:


ANN Thread:





Senin, 30 Juli 2018

Ubcoin Marketplace adalah pasar ponsel global untuk membeli dan menjual dunia nyata barang untuk cryptocurrency. Jumlah pemegang cryptocurrency diproyeksikan meningkat hampir 10 kali lipat, dari saat ini 22 juta hingga 200 juta di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2020. Cara termudah untuk menjadi pemilik cryptocurrency adalah dengan menjual barang untuk crypto. Pendekatan ini akan mendorong massa adopsi di tahun-tahun mendatang. Kapitalisasi pasar cryptocurrency adalah sekitar $ 400 miliar. Ada yang hebat permintaan untuk menghabiskan kekayaan itu dengan membeli barang-barang dunia nyata untuk crypto. Hampir setengah dari semua aktivitas pembelian dan penjualan online sekarang terjadi di pasar, sementara perdagangan seluler akan segera melampaui perdagangan web sebagai penetrasi ponsel cerdas global mencapai 37% dari populasi dunia pada tahun 2020.

Saat ini, puluhan juta orang secara langsung memiliki kriptooris. Ratusan juta orang di seluruh dunia sadar akan kripto dan ingin mendapatkannya. Banyak yang disebut sebagai investasi dengan hasil yang biasa, dan yang lain mencari yang disediakan oleh teknologi blockchain. Pengadopsian kripto secara besar-besaran tak terelakkan dan akan segera terjadi. Penyebab dan kreditnya diberikan kepada banyak pengusaha dan visioner yang mengejar jejak kaki, termasuk Sumber dari Ubin dan sebuah benda yang sangat jelas, Telegram. Bila adopsi massal akan berlangsung lebih cepat dari pada nanti. Pelanggan membutuhkan cara yang mudah, cepat, dan aman untuk mendapatkan uang digital.

Ubcoin Marketplace - lompatan berikutnya untuk Ubank, yang memimpin aplikasi pembayaran seluler di Eropa Timur. Sekarang dengan Ethereum blockchain, mata uang UBC yang diperdagangkan di bursa, dan kontrak cerdas peer-to-peer untuk membeli barang-barang untuk cryptocurrency. Pasar Ubcoin akan menjadi bagian dari aplikasi Ubank sebagai fitur baru.

Mengapa berinvestasi di Ubcoin?

Ubcoin memotong hype dengan aplikasi suara yang memanfaatkan revolusioner baru teknologi untuk menjembatani kesenjangan antara crypto dan dunia nyata. Investor tidak bertaruh pada penemuan yang tidak diketahui atau hanya sebuah ide. Nilai berasal dari yang berpengalaman tim dan model bisnis transparan memecahkan masalah nyata dan menangkap yang nyata peluang yang tidak ada yang tahu lebih baik dari investor crypto. Ubcoin Marketplace menangkap peluang berikut:

• Bagaimana cara menggunakan cryptocurrency untuk pembelian dunia nyata?
• Bagaimana cara mendapatkan cryptocurrency untuk konsumen massa newbie?

Ringkasan Kredensial Proyek
• Perusahaan yang sudah ada, sejak 2009;
• Produk saat ini, Ubank, memiliki lebih dari 16 juta instalasi di seluruh dunia;
• 50+ pengembang dan talenta manajemen puncak dan penasihat;
• Ubcoin akan meningkatkan dan menemukan kembali proposisi nilai produk yang sudah ada;
• Samsung dan Terbang pra-instal produk saat ini di semua ponsel cerdas, dijual dalam CIS, termasuk
Galaxy andalan Samsung 9.

Market Opportunity Analysis

Belanja digital meningkat di prevalensi di dunia. Jumlah pembeli digital di seluruh dunia diproyeksikan akan melampaui 2 miliar orang pada tahun 2020.

Bukan hanya jumlah pembeli yang diproyeksikan bertambah, tetapi juga pangsa belanja online total penjualan ritel global akan melampaui 15%

Dalam banyak kategori ritel, belanja daring sudah menjadi saluran yang disukai dibandingkan toko offline tradisional.

Pembeli juga semakin bergerak menuju smartphone dibandingkan belanja desktop, karena penetrasi ponsel cerdas akan meningkat secara global hingga 37% dari populasi dunia.

Transaksi pasar menyumbang 44% dari $ 2,44 triliun yang dihabiskan online di dunia 2016. Hampir 50% konsumen AS mengatakan bahwa mereka telah membeli barang daring dari sumber luar negeri, menurut studi UPS dan comScore.

Transaksi peer-to-peer menjadi semakin global. E-niaga lintas batas sudah menyumbang 15% dari semua pengiriman paket. Pada tahun 2020, bagian ini adalah diperkirakan akan meningkat menjadi 20% (The Economist, E-Commerce Special Report, hlm. 13, Okt 28, 2017).

Detail Token Ubcoin

  • Parameter Token
Peran token = Utility token untuk penyelesaian kontrak dan biaya pintar
Ubcoin = Marketplace
Token = singkatan UBC
Nama Token = UBCoin
Tingkat emisi = Tidak ada koin baru yang akan dibuat setelah akhir penjualan token
Suplai maksimum (Hard Copi) = UBC
Jaringan Token = Ethereum (ERC20 diperpanjang)
  • Distribusi Pasokan Token
Distribusi Hard Cap = Persen dari Maximum Supply = Max Quantity token
Pra-Jual Pribadi Terbatas = 5% 200 000 000
Penempatan Publik (ICO) =  45% 1 800 000 000
Alokasi Tim *  = 12% = 480 000 000
Bounty & Advisors * = 4% = 160 000 000
Imbalan Komunitas * =  3% = 120 000 000
Kolam Cadangan * = 31% = 1 240 000 000
Jumlah Pasokan = 100% = 4 000 000 000
  • Pra-Penjualan Pribadi Terbatas
Mulai 10 Maret 2018 00:00:00 GMT
Berakhir 31 Maret 2018 23:59:59 GMT, atau sebelumnya setelah mencapai tahap Hard Cap
Hard Cap untuk Private PreSale 21 500 ETH
Penempatan Harga 1 UBC = 0,0000535705 ETH (atau 1 ETH = 18 667 UBC)
Diskon untuk Penjualan Token Harga 57%
  • Public Token Sale Details 
Mulai 2 April 2018 00:00:01 GMT
Berakhir 31 Mei 2018 23:59:59 GMT, atau sebelumnya setelah mencapai tahap Hard Cap
Hard Cap (Maksimum) Menyediakan) 157 500 ETH
Transaksi Minimum Jumlah 0,01 ETH
Jadwal Harga Harga Token untuk setiap tahap di bawah ini
Distribusi kontrak Cerdas digunakan untuk menghasilkan dan mentransfer token setelah menerima ETH.

Daftar yang akan Direncanakan
Di Bursa setelah ICO selesai

Tekan tentang Ubcoin / Ubank

Terima kasih telah membaca artikel saya di UBCOIN. Saya menanti Anda dapat mengakses dalam proyek besar ini.

Ini mendorong situs web resmi untuk lebih informas kunjungin mohon:

Situs web:;u=191032

Minggu, 29 Juli 2018

eCoinomic is a project of a future platform that will focus on providing and developing financial services using Blockchain technology as the basis for its development.
eCoComic plans to provide transparent, secure and easy-to-use financial services for all users. The project promises to provide the best and reasonable access to financial services for investors and traders of crypto currency.
eCoinomic is developed using systems and resources that support the creation of a universal financial ecosystem. The advantage of platform is the application of innovative technology.
The eCoinomic task is to create the best financial services for crypto investors worldwide. eCoinomic will provide financial services that let you manage your assets easily and securely.
In addition, the eCoinomic platform will provide lending, investment, hedging, exchange and crypto transactions, with full integration of the services into a single system.
eCoinomic is developed by a team of experienced professionals in various fields, understanding what issues to solve and how to do it.
eCoinomic provides a reliable credit system based on cryptoeconomics.
This project will ensure a comfortable investment management from any time period.
Integration to popular services such as eBay and Amazon will be created, which will allow users to pay for payments directly using the eCoinomic payment system.
Any user-initiated transactions will be based on a CNC token, which will be used to support the platform's internal financial system.
Token is based on ERC 20 system, based on Ethereum Blockchain.
eCoinomic can be a short-term credit tool for startups that require investment in development funds.
The project platform will be multicurrency. In addition to currency, more than ten major crypto currencies will be used.
It is planned to use secure Smart Contract on the platform, which will ensure the transparency and security of every user transaction. The construction of such a platform will ultimately lead to the creation of a profitable and considerable financial ecosystem
all the user's financial needs.
This Reasons Why You Should Be Posted By eCoinomic:
  • eCoinomic provides various multicurrency in their platform. Bitcoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, and 10 other cryptocurrencies are supported. USD, EUR and other fiat currencies exist for the loan.
  • Transaction speed in the platform is very impressive. No more than seven minutes for the transaction, belonging to the default payment agent.
  • Public services to provide maximum funds and balance. This is the modus operandi of functions such as inning and liquidating the collateral.
  • The price monitoring system is accurate and operates in real time.
What is eCoinomic Destination?
The main objective of the eCoinomic project is to develop, market, and improve resource-based resource-based cryptosystem-based service platforms. It offers loan functions, exchanges, transfers, financial management and integration of services and systems through users through online payments. On the eCoinomic platform, you can get a fiat loan that stores your crypto assets as collateral. For crypto owners, they can now start receiving payments for products and services. People can now buy cryptocurrency as a long-term investment. The eCoinomic platform provides the necessary liquidity that will help hold the crypto. Investors will benefit greatly from this platform. Smart contracts impose conditions in loan obligations. This protects the investment of crypto holders and fiat investors.
  • Secured and unsecured loans are based on money and fiat cryptocurrency
  • Long-term and short-term investments in money and fiat cryptocurrency
  • Exchange rate risk hedging mechanism for crypto assets
  • Financial transactions, exchanges, collateral management
  • Payments for goods and services in online digital currency platforms such as eBay and Amazon
  • Fiat money transaction, virtual card issuance supported by crypto assets
Crediting on the eCoinomic platform
To achieve a wide distribution of projects among users around the world, the organizers will introduce a shared lending function. Each platform participant can give its assets to other participants for a particular interest and a certain period of time. The system itself will conduct an analysis of those who want to give credit to others who want to receive it and provide a list of the most profitable offerings. Then, with the use of the Smart contract, the deal will be concluded. In addition, the system will monitor the implementation of interest payments and refunds to user accounts.
This project will actively utilize all the advantages of "smart function".
This will allow you to actively inform your members of the exchange rate changes on various exchanges. This will enable participants to actively change their strategy, and use the opportunity to engage in arbitration.
ICO eCoinomic project, token sales
For those who want to invest in a project, an opportunity is offered to participate in an initial sale of tokens.
There are several stages planned: the initial sales and the main round, which in turn is divided into several sub-stages.
Pre-sail will be held from 15 March to 30 April 2018,
the main sales round - from 1 May to 1 June 2018.
80% of tokens will be allocated for public sale, 14% - rewards to founders and project partners, 6% for project advisors.
The most favorable price is expected for the initial ICO participants:
0.01 USD for 1 CNC, the minimum contribution for participation in this phase is 1500 USD, the identification procedure is mandatory.
Token sold during the pre-sale round will be frozen for 5 months after the end of ICO, or purchased by the project team at 0.02 USD.
Possible methods of payment: BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, DASH, XMR, BTG, ETC, NEO.
Main round of tokenail:
0.05 USD for one token and minimum 200 USD.
At this stage, there are bonuses, depending on the amount of fees.
The minimum collection of project money is 9,000,000 USD,
the maximum cost is 35,000,000 USD,
Tokensail will continue until it reaches the upper limit or until June 1, 2018. All unsold tokens will be burned by smart contract.
To participate in the purchase of tokens, go to and sign up to receive tokens:
Fund distribution:
56% - marketing costs, alpha launch version;
22% - research and development for the platform;
22% - legal and organizational costs.
Distribution of funds collected during major ICO:
37% of funds will operate and insurance funds;
12% - development;
9% - marketing;
2% - technical security audit;
2% - legal support;
1% - operating costs.
For more information :;u=101568

Benefits of BolttCoin By the years of growth, more and more people are driven by unhealthy lifestyles, where the most consu...